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Important Notice
Under New Jersey law effective July 1, 2024, zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) are subject to an annual fee in addition to the existing registration fee. The additional fee applies to any vehicle certified as a ZEV pursuant to the California Air Resources Board ZEV standards for the applicable model year. The additional fee is payable in full at the time of initial registration and at every renewal. Beginning July 1, 2024, the annual fee is $250. The annual fee increases $10 per year for four years thereafter. For new ZEV registered, four years of the additional fee is due at the time of four year registration. For example, for new ZEVs registered between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025, the additional fee due and payable at the time of initial registration is for the years 2024, 2025, 2026 and 2027. The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (NJMVC) is in the process of programming changes to implement the new fee. If you do not see this fee assessed when registering a vehicle, the NJMVC will collect the additional fee after the registration date. ZEV owners will then receive a notice of the additional fee. The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission is improving the Motor Carrier Services (MCS) system to better serve the motor carrier community. Beginning on October 7, 2024, all customers will be required to update their login credentials to enable continued access to IRP and IFTA services.
This site is optimized for Microsoft Edge and Google's Chrome Browsers. There are currently no reported issues using Mozilla's Firefox browser, as well.
If you have questions about your IRP and/or IFTA account or transactions, you may call (609) 633-9400 during normal MVC business hours.
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission ©Legatus
Deployment Version 9.X: 2024-10-28T13:00:50